Sýningar úrslit

03.06.2012 - Judge: Cathy Delmar

Excellent, BOB, CC

19.11.2011 - Judge: Stelios Makaritus

Excellent, BOS, CC, CACIB - Nice type all over, nice head prop. expression + pigment, good eyes, ears, very nice neck, well ang in front with nice feet +  bones. Beautiful thorax + ribs. Needs to fill up a bit. I prefer a slightly shorter loin, nice quarters, Exc coat quality, moves nicely.

26.03.2011 - Dómari: Mikael Nilsson

Excellent - Ex type, elegant v good proportions long head that needs better jaw too deep set eyes, esp. good chisseling, very good front needs a better topline esp. moving a bit straight in behind vg coat. happy mover that needs to be smoother

27.02.2011 Dómari: Birgit Seloy

Excellent, CK, 3# Best Male- Masculine dog, nice head '+ expression, dark eyes, correct bite good fore-chest good body + tail-set sound movements 

20.11.2010 - Dómari: Rodi Hübenthal

Besti hvolpur tegundar og heiðursverðlaun - Well developed for age. Nice proportion. Under-jaw could be a bit stronger, otherwise nice head. Nice neck + top-line. Could be a little wider in front. Correct anglation, moves well, promising coat

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